Membership in the Society is open to any person of good moral character interested in the purposes and objectives of the Society, regardless of age, sex, race, nationality, or political or religious beliefs. The object and purpose is to further interest in researching, documenting, and preserving the stamps, covers and postal history of Cuba and related philately.
The International Cuban Philatelic Society was founded at the beginning of 2010 for the purpose of promoting Cuban philately and sponsoring studies and research in the stamps and postal history of Cuba. The Society is committed to assisting its membership, and the public in general, in becoming more familiar with all aspects of Cuban philately. The ICPS will strive to support and finance the research and publication of journals, books, catalogs, and other publications dealing with any aspect of Cuban philately with the objective of keeping members informed of the stamps, covers, documents, and postal history of Cuba and to support and finance the preservation of all such information and research for use by future generations.
To submit an application for membership in the ICPS please use the link provided below to get to an application form, print the application form, complete it, and mail it with payment of the corresponding fees in U.S. dollars to:
Ernesto Cuesta
P.O. Box 34434
Bethesda, MD 20827, U.S.A.
Application Form / Membership Renewal (PDF)
Please make check or money order in payment of fees payable to "International Cuban Philatelic Society".
Membership Payment Options
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