Laiz Castro, Ángel: "Reconstrucción de las Planchas de los Enteros Postales Tipo Infante - Cuba 1898 - Filipinas 1898 - Puerto Rico 1898 - Fernando Po 1899." Madrid - Barcelona, 1998, in Spanish. ("Plating of the 1898 Postal Cards of Cuba, Infant Type")
This is a study of the identifying characteristics of different plate positions of the 1898 Alfonso XII single and double (reply cards) issued for Cuba. The identifying characteristics of the various distinct plate positions are described and illustrated in great detail. This is an excellent reference for the student of these cards.
That being said, Robert Littrell and Octavio Cabrera have determined that there were some major errors in this study. The cards were identified by position, but the positions stated were not correct. "Positions" 1 and 2 were on the bottom of the sheet. That is why we refer to the SINGLE cards as card TYPES, not POSITIONS. Double card positions remain as before. For a more detailed discussion, see the Monograph published by the International Cuban Philatelic Society, March, 2011.
Reconstruction of a yellow colored 1898 single postal card sheet of 10 cards of 1 centavo value
Reconstrucción de una plancha de la tarjeta, de cartulina amarillenta, de 1 centavo, de 1898
This page was last modified on March 26, 2013.